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Jul 24

Michaela Gerg about active sitting

Michaela Gerg is one of the most successful German ski racers. She ended her active racing career in 1996, but remained loyal to winter sports with her own ski school in Lenggries. The dedicated former top athlete offers courses for all ages and abilities. She wants to pass on her enthusiasm for snow sports and make exercise fun. She is also involved in her Schneekristalle foundation and is in demand as a speaker and Feng Shui consultant.

In conversation: Michaela Gerg, former German ski racer

Sitting still is nothing for Michaela Gerg. She also favours plenty of movement in her everyday life. Michaela Gerg privately owns the "most active chair in the world", a Swopper from Aeris. We wanted to know from the multiple World Cup winner and successful Olympic participant whether she, as an athlete, sees any particular advantages in active sitting and whether everyday mobility also has positive effects on regeneration.

Keep moving in everyday life

Aeris: Mrs Gerg, as a former ski racer, you were used to training for hours every day. How do you keep fit today and how do you ensure you get enough exercise in your everyday life?

Michaela Gerg: Today, I practise sport without compulsion. Instead of focussing almost exclusively on winter sports - as I did before - I now do a wide variety of sports. For example, I love practising yoga. It's a great way to train my physical and mental flexibility. I love being out in nature, whether it's hiking in the mountains, jogging or cycling. I am also a keen golfer.

Homestory Michaela Gerg and her Aeris Muvman Michaela Gerg's beloved Aeris Swopper has now been joined by an Aeris Muvman

Aeris: 80% of Germans suffer from back pain. What about you? Are you free of back pain thanks to regular training and your well-trained muscles?

Michaela Gerg: Towards the end of my career, I had major problems with my lumbar spine. You could say it was a slight slipped disc. Today, yoga and a conscious approach to everyday life help me to keep my back fit and, above all, pain-free.

The benefits of active sitting on the Aeris Swopper office stool

Aeris: You are familiar with the Aeris Swopper 3D active chair, which has been developed to combat back problems and encourage more movement. How would you describe sitting on the Aeris Swopper in your own words?

Michaela Gerg: Active sitting on the Aeris Swopper allows me to spend the hours at my desk without straining my back. By constantly moving slightly, my back muscles are strengthened and I don't fall into a rigid hunched-back posture. Slouching lazily into the stool is a thing of the past.

The Aeris Swopper office chair offers maximum freedom of movement in all three dimensions. The Aeris Swopper office chair offers maximum freedom of movement in all three dimensions.

Aeris: The Aeris Swopper was initially regarded as a "health chair", primarily for relieving acute back pain. Today, it has been recognised that its unique 3D flexibility is not only good for the back, but also has a positive effect on the entire metabolism by promoting movement. Headlines such as "Sitting can be deadly" or "Sitting is the new smoking" have increased awareness of this function. Sitting for long periods - how harmful do you think it really is?

Michaela Gerg: I am always cautious with such generalising statements and prefer to listen to what my body tells me in such situations. However, I generally believe that any one-sided movement without balance leads to problems in the long term. When skiing, it is therefore important to do balancing exercises in between to relax. When sitting, this means changing your position more often or standing up from time to time. The right "equipment" also plays a major role here. There are rigid chairs and there are chairs that encourage movement. I don't know of anyone who moves more than the Aeris Swopper. And movement is always good for you!

Aeris: Regeneration is an important topic in top-class sport. Does such "low-threshold" training of the back muscles through active sitting play a role at all?

Michaela Gerg: After my own back problems, I learnt that training the back muscles cannot be ignored. I use every opportunity in my everyday life to strengthen my core muscles and therefore my back. This also includes active sitting.

Home story Michaela Gerg works at her desk on the Aeris Muvman.

The ideal Feng Shui working environment with the Aeris Swopper

Aeris: We read in your CV that you are also a qualified Feng Shui consultant. How do you rate the Aeris Swopper from a Feng Shui perspective? And finally, can you give us a few tips on how to design a good home office?

Michaela Gerg: Everyone has colours that suit them particularly well; colours that make them feel particularly comfortable and therefore particularly productive. The Aeris Swopper health chair is available in many colours - and if the ideal Feng Shui colour is not available, it can also be placed at the workplace in neutral black or white. Natural materials and round shapes are favoured - there are also Feng Shui points for the round Aeris Swopper. During a Feng Shui consultation, the right sitting and viewing direction at the desk for the person is sought. As a general rule, people who sit with their backs to the door are more nervous and prone to mistakes. So it's better to have the door in view, as this helps you to work with more stamina. Tidiness in the office is also very important. A tidy office and a desk that is clearly organised and tidy allow you to think clearly.

Michaela Gerg concentrating on her work on Aeris Swopper.

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10 simple tips on what you can do to combat obesity in the office

What effects being overweight has on your health and what you can do about it at work.

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Artikel Mar 23

Sit better, live healthier: Dynamic sitting explained

Why movement while sitting is crucial for your health and how the Aeris Swopper helps you sit actively and prevent back pain.

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Artikel Jul 23

The benefits of the Aeris Swopper: A sports doctor on better health while sitting

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Our product recommendation

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