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EEG study: Aeris Swopper increases concentration

EEG study: The effect of dynamic postural control while sitting on Aeris Swopper on the ability to concentrate.

The present study investigated the extent to which dynamic sitting on the Aeris Swopper influences short- and long-term concentration skills and the corresponding brain activity .

EEG measurements are used to determine the degree of psychophysiological alertness and the ability to concentrate.

The advantage of this research method is that it can be combined with external stimuli, such as carrying out concentration tests. These serve to stimulate the afferent pathways of the central nervous system in the respective test condition. To date, there are only a few studies that examine the effect of fine motor control on cognitive performance and the corresponding brain activity. In the present experimental laboratory study, 45 subjects aged 22 to 27 were tested under controlled conditions in a group design. Three seating conditions were implemented: sitting on a movable swopper, a static test stool of the same appearance made especially for the study, and a conventional office chair with a backrest. The subjects completed tests to determine their short-term (d2-R test) and long-term ability to concentrate (Mackworth Clock test). Spontaneous electroencephalographic activity was recorded under resting conditions before and after the concentration tests, as well as during the concentration tests.

The behavioral data demonstrate better performance in terms of short-term and long-term concentration ability when sitting on the moving swopper. This is reflected in a larger number of items processed when assessing short-term concentration ability in the d2-R test and shorter reaction times in the Mackworth clock test. The EEG data provide evidence of the underlying neural mechanisms of the observable increase in performance in the concentration tests when sitting on the moving swopper.

Overall, working on the moving Swopper shows stronger frontal theta activity, stronger frontal and occipital alpha and alpha1 activity and stronger beta activity, especially when completing tasks to measure short-term concentration. Stronger beta1 activity, which occurs during the d2-R test and Mackworth clock test, indicates an alert and attentive psychophysiological state of the cognitive system, which is achieved when sitting on the moving Swopper in contrast to working on a conventional office chair with a backrest or a static stool.

In summary, it can be said that working on the mobile Swopper has a positive effect on the ability to concentrate in observable behavior and also on the underlying brain activation. The results found in the present study show the potential of dynamic posture control while sitting and its use in everyday school and work life and have important implications for the design of learning and work environments.

About the study:

February 2015

Univ. Prof. Dr. phil. W. Schöllhorn
Dr. Dipl.-Physch. D. Henz
Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
Faculty 02 - Social Sciences, Media, Sport (Faculty for Social studies, Media, Sport)
Institute for Sports Science (Institute for Sciences)
Department for Training and Motion Sciences
Albert-Schweitzer-Strasse 22
55128 Mainz

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