Health problems caused by stress
For many people, stress often begins when the alarm clock rings in the morning. This then continues at work in the office.
Long-term stress can lead to significant damage to health. Burnout syndrome is just one consequence of long-term stress. Those affected are sometimes no longer able to complete the simplest tasks. Long hospital stays are often unavoidable. But even if long-term stress does not lead to burnout syndrome, less serious problems can also limit well-being. Headaches, insomnia, nervousness or stomach ulcers are just some of the illnesses that stress can trigger.
Ergonomics counteracts stress
The best thing is to deliberately avoid stressful situations. Here too, you should look into ergonomics and the question " what is ergonomics ?" An ergonomically designed workplace does not just mean having an ergonomic chair and a height-adjustable desk. Although of course that is part of ergonomics, as is the ergonomic keyboard and the ergonomic mouse. This enables you to work without pain and prevents tension and back pain. But a pleasant working atmosphere is also part of ergonomics. Clear instructions from the boss and a manageable workload are important. Ergonomics in the workplace leads to much less stress, although temporary stress can never be avoided. However, it is not nearly as harmful as constant stress.
Ultimately, your own attitude is also crucial for a stress-free day. You shouldn't expect too much of yourself and sometimes leave things undone. The world won't end because of that and there will definitely be time for it the next day. Doing some exercise to balance out work is also recommended, such as yoga or other relaxation exercises.