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Artikel May 23

Lumbar support: When is it useful and can you do without it?

What is a lumbar support?

A lumbar support is a part of the backrest of office chairs that takes into account the forward curvature of the spine in the lumbar region (lordosis), i.e. it is modeled on the human spine. It should adapt optimally to the user's back and body size.

Lumbar support on the Aeris Active Office Chair 3Dee.

When is lumbar support useful?

Sitting for long periods of time in a rigid position on one side, for example in the office or in the car, puts strain on the lumbar region and leads to poor posture , particularly in the lower back, the so-called hunchback, and often to severe pain. Sometimes the pain can also radiate from the lower back into the leg. In this case, it is referred to as pain along the sciatic nerve radiating from the lumbar spine into the leg ( lumboischialgia ). A lumbar support is intended to support and relieve the lumbar region when sitting for long periods without moving, thereby preventing poor posture and pain.

Since every back is different, the lumbar support should be individually adjustable, both in height and curvature. When adjusting the lumbar support, it is recommended to pay attention to your subjective well-being. Depending on the shape and subjective feeling, the support can be located in the inward-curved area of ​​the lower spine or a little lower, on the bony iliac crest. In any case, it must provide a comfortable, noticeable and upright support.

Lumbar support on the Aeris Active Office Chair 3Dee.

Can you do without lumbar support when sitting?

Yes, if you can behave according to your natural movement impulses when sitting. That is, if you can move spontaneously, intuitively, self-organized and thus like when walking and standing. Because walking and standing are the natural movement patterns of humans and nobody uses a backrest or a lumbar support when hiking, for example. Strictly speaking, a backrest "disempowers" the human back muscles, which are actually designed to keep the back straight and thus the person upright when well trained. But if the muscles cannot work because the rigid sitting position or a backrest prevents them from doing so, a lumbar support has a relieving and supportive effect.

The Aeris Swopper ensures an upright posture

Lumbar supports on Aeris office chairs

The ergonomic 3Dee office chair from Aeris enables free, natural sitting with numerous, intuitive posture changes thanks to its 3D technology. It is equipped with a half-height, slat-based, physiologically shaped backrest that offers relaxed support without restricting mobility. The lumbar curvature and backrest pressure can be individually adjusted with one hand. The backrest and lumbar support on the 3Dee from Aeris offer a lot of comfort and an additional option for changing posture, thus increasing the range of uses of the chair.


Lumbar support on the Active Office Chair 3Dee

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