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Artikel Sep 21

5 things to recognize a good ergonomic office chair

What actually makes a good ergonomic office chair? Good question. The following 5 tips show you what you absolutely have to pay attention to.

What makes a good ergonomic office chair? Design? Price? Functionality? 5 things you absolutely have to pay attention to - with these tips you can immediately recognize a good ergonomic office chair.

One thing is clear: an ergonomic office chair is the most important thing for relaxed working in the office. Although other factors should not be ignored, we sit on office chairs every day - for hours. Incorrect sitting posture can lead to significant health problems. Chronic back problems and even herniated discs are not uncommon. So what should an ergonomic office chair be like? There is a very large selection on the market, but if you pay attention to these 5 things, you are guaranteed to recognize a good ergonomic office chair.

1. Does the ergonomic office chair have 3D ergonomics?

Not every office chair that calls itself ergonomic is also ergonomically perfect and comfortable at the same time. And only very few have what is known as 3D ergonomics. A conventional office chair actually represents a lack of movement - it hardly allows any movement. Conventional movement technologies, such as synchronous mechanics, smart spring technology or rocking mechanics, only allow movement in two dimensions at most. No matter what design such a swivel chair has, it results in hours of rigid sitting. Due to such a permanently incorrect sitting posture, there are often only a few years of work between intensive use of a "normal" office chair and the first clear symptoms of illness.

But what exactly is 3D ergonomics? 3D ergonomics means that the ergonomic swivel chair enables movement in three dimensions when sitting: forwards and backwards, to both sides and up and down. Thanks to 3D ergonomics, such an ergonomic chair promotes people's intuitive movements. This feature leads the body back to natural movement patterns - even when you are sitting.

What does that mean? It's simple: the chair follows your movements and not the other way around. This combines natural sitting and controlled swinging with posture-optimizing sideways, forwards and backwards movements. This ensures particularly comfortable seating.

Sketch of the ergonomic office chair Aeris 3Dee

With 3D ergonomics, the ergonomic office chair moves in all three dimensions: forward and backward, left and right, and up and down.

This is 3D ergonomics in detail

1. Vertical swinging
The vertical swing is the movement in the third dimension. This only works if your ergonomic office chair is spring-loaded. This relieves the strain on your intervertebral discs, promotes blood flow and gets your circulation going. This ensures an optimal oxygen supply. The up and down swing should be individually adjustable to the respective body weight.

2. Lateral flexibility
Harmonious 3D movements with wide, lateral deflection increase your radius of action and at the same time optimize your natural sitting position. In addition, they activate the circulation with every change of posture, which also increases your concentration.

3. Forward tilt
In order for an ergonomic office chair to allow you to lean forward naturally, it is important that the chair has a 3D joint close to the floor. The advantage: as soon as you lean forward towards the desk, the entire spring column of the chair moves and tilts forward. This causes your pelvis to assume a walking posture, your back stays straight, your breathing is deep and your circulation is activated. And the best thing is: "hunching over" when writing on the PC is a thing of the past forever.

2. Can I adjust the ergonomic office chair individually?

Individual adjustment options are very important for a modern, ergonomic office chair . Make sure that you can adjust the office chair not only in terms of seat height and your body weight, but also to your individual movement needs.

Seat height
Sitting correctly means, above all, that you pay attention to the correct seat height. It is ideal if an "open" angle is created between the upper and lower legs when sitting (> 90°). To ensure healthy sitting, you must also take the height of the workstation into account when adjusting the height of the office chair. A good model is therefore infinitely height-adjustable and the lever for height adjustment is easy to reach and easy to use.

Tip: If you don't have a height-adjustable desk in your home office, for example, raise your normal desk a little if necessary to achieve the ideal sitting height.

Easy-to-use height adjustment on the ergonomic Aeris Swopper office chair
So that you can adjust the seat height of your office chair quickly and easily, it is important that the lever is easy to reach. The height should also be infinitely adjustable.

Weight adjustment
No two people are the same. And that's a good thing! Some people have long legs, others have a long upper body - but this is often a problem for optimal sitting. That's why you should make sure that your ergonomic office chair can be individually adjusted to your body weight and fits your proportions. The office chair should therefore work according to the motto "one for all" and still offer a high level of seating comfort. A standard spring leg, for example, can be variably adjusted to a body weight of approx. 50 kg to 120 kg.

Traditional, ergonomic office chairs often have adjustable armrests. It is important that these are adjustable in both height and width. Some armrests can also be turned backwards if you do not want to use them. Innovative, orthopedic office chairs deliberately do not have armrests at all. This is because they can lead to you sitting at an angle in the office chair or the distance to the work surface being increased in an unfavorable way by the armrests. Sitting for long periods in such an incorrect sitting position is particularly harmful.

Backrest with lumbar support
Most ergonomic office chairs on the market have a backrest. It is usually height-adjustable. The angle can also be adjusted. An important feature: the high backrest needs a back-friendly, adjustable lumbar support. This part of the backrest can be adjusted to the (S-shaped) curvature of your spine and supports it in the lower area (lumbar support) when sitting. If a swivel chair with a backrest does not have such a lumbar support, then you should definitely look for an alternative.

By the way: According to the latest ergonomic findings, a backrest is not absolutely necessary. Quite the opposite. No matter how well padded, how comfortable or how perfect the lumbar support: a backrest often hinders the free, natural mobility that you should strive for even when sitting. More on this in point 5.

Lumbar support on an ergonomic office chair. Aeris 3Dee
The lumbar support of the backrest supports your lower back area. It must be able to adjust to the S-shaped curvature of your spine.

Seat depth of the seat
The seat of your ergonomic swivel chair should definitely be adjustable. Adjust it so that the backs of your knees are always free and do not rest on the seat. This is the only way to ensure sufficient blood circulation - straight from the legs back to the heart.

3. How much does an ergonomic office chair cost?

How much should an ergonomic office chair actually cost and is the price a sign of high quality? Good question, but there is no blanket answer. The price range for ergonomic office chairs is very wide. The simplest swivel chairs that are offered as ergonomic chairs start at around 200 euros. However, particularly exclusive models can cost up to 2,000 euros. However, it is not sensible to base your decision purely on price! As already mentioned in the first two points above, it primarily depends on the functions of the office chair and whether it meets your ergonomic requirements. All in all, it also depends on how much you want to invest in your own health. Very good ergonomic office chairs with an excellent price-performance ratio are available in the mid-range price range.

Independent expert tests confirm ergonomic properties

To ensure that you make a good decision regardless of the price, you should also make sure when comparing that a professional office chair has been scientifically tested and is recommended by experts. Such an independent office chair test - carried out, for example, by Stiftung Warentest or TÜV - checks the manufacturers and gives consumers valuable information about functionality, usability and quality.

If a chair receives a positive rating or a GS mark from the Aktion Gesunder Rücken e. V. (AGR) or another expert test, this is already a very good indication of quality.

4. How long does an ergonomic office chair last?

Conventional, non-ergonomic office swivel chairs should be replaced after eight years at the latest. The reason is quite simple: with these "normal" office chairs - depending on the price range and shape of the seat - seat depressions form more or less quickly, which fix the pelvis and thus significantly restrict freedom of movement.

A good ergonomic office chair, on the other hand, has a significantly longer service life. Chairs with a convex seat, such as the Aeris Swopper, are specifically designed so that no seat depression can form in the first place and the seating comfort remains high over the long term. The ergonomic design of the upwardly curved seats also has the advantage that your weight is borne precisely by the bones in your body intended for this purpose - the ischial tuberosities.

Tip: You will feel the ischial tuberosities when you sit on your hands.

You should also pay attention to quality when it comes to materials and workmanship. High-quality materials and excellent workmanship increase the lifespan of your ergonomic office chair considerably. And the best thing is that the resale value remains correspondingly high. However, it is not uncommon for a good office chair to last 20 years. Good for your wallet and your health.

By the way: The guarantee and customer service often show you whether an ergonomic office chair is of high quality. A company that has high quality standards will be there to help you with all questions about the ergonomic office chair and will help you to make the most of your back- and movement-friendly chair. In addition, high-quality office chairs come with a guarantee of several years.

5. Does an ergonomic office chair need a backrest?

Ergonomic office chair without backrest.
As shown here in the example of the Aeris Swopper, a backrest is not a must for an ergonomic office chair. On the contrary: you sit best without a backrest.

The clear answer: No! Sitting on a professional office chair with 3D ergonomics is ergonomically best and healthiest without a backrest. Why?

Because active, dynamic sitting in motion without a backrest activates the muscles - especially the back and leg muscles. By sitting without a high backrest and especially without armrests, you can move freely and naturally. This dynamic sitting trains your muscles and increases your concentration. More movement stimulates the circulation, which means the brain is better supplied with blood and more oxygen.

Using a backrest and armrests "disempowers" your muscles and prevents you from making intuitive, spontaneous movements. Sure, most people are used to sitting on conventional office chairs with a backrest and armrests. However, your back muscles weaken over the years as a result of (more or less motionless) sitting. These can be reactivated by an ergonomic office chair without a backrest.

It is not for nothing that they say, “If you rest, you rust.”

Our tip: Do without the backrest and trust your own muscles. Then you will always sit ergonomically correctly.

What should an ergonomic office chair be like? The most important facts at a glance

  • 3D ergonomics - movement in all three dimensions
  • Adjustable seat height
  • Individual weight adjustment
  • Adjustable armrests (for office chairs with armrests)
  • Height-adjustable backrest (for office chairs with backrest)
  • Adjustable lumbar support (for chairs with backrest)
  • Depth-adjustable seat
  • Confirmation of ergonomic properties through independent expert tests
  • A convex shaped seat
  • Several years warranty and customer service for questions
  • Not necessarily a backrest
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Our product recommendation

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