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Artikel Aug 23

How correct sitting and standing improves your performance

What is performance?
Performance is understood as the prerequisite or the possibility of achieving a performance over a long period of time. A distinction is made between psychological and physical performance. Performance, whether physical or mental, differs from person to person and cannot be represented in a single, uniform measure. A comparison can only be made within individual disciplines using strict definitions (e.g. speed over 100 meters).

If performance refers to what can be achieved productively in a company, we speak of operational performance. In this case, the English terms performance, capacity or efficiency are often used.

What does cognitive performance mean?
The performance and effectiveness of the brain is called cognitive performance or mental performance. How much and how effectively a brain performs is measured by intelligence tests, among other things, and is shown with a so-called IQ. Even if many people believe that intelligence is innate, cognitive training can improve a person's intellectual performance. Numerous studies have shown that a brain that has good blood circulation and is supplied with enough oxygen is more efficient.

What is physical performance?
Even though physical performance describes how physically resilient a person is in certain situations, it is not only important for athletes. Of course, it is about physical endurance, agility, strength, speed and good coordination. But this also goes hand in hand with motor performance, hand-eye coordination, etc. - skills that are needed every day.

Woman stands at the Aeris Active Desk and increases her ability to concentrate through the dynamic alternation between standing and sitting

Ergonomic office furniture that allows plenty of movement, such as the Aeris Active Desk and Aeris Swopper, can increase concentration.

Most of us know how to improve our athletic or physical performance. Endurance can be trained, as can speed and strength.

In fact, mental performance can also be trained and improved. A working environment in which employees feel comfortable can help to increase employee performance and thus company performance.

In addition to a good working atmosphere, such an environment is characterized by ergonomic workplace equipment. The fact is that employees who are healthy and have no physical complaints can achieve more overall. Those who have the opportunity to move around at work or sit in a moving position have been proven to have less back pain and tension, are physically healthier and fitter and have a greater sense of well-being, which ultimately leads to higher performance.

Working with the Aeris Active Office Desk and the Aeris Swopper office chair and the Aeris Muvmat standing work mat increases the ability to concentrate

A constant alternation between standing and sitting with the Aeris Active Office Desk and the Aeris Swopper office chair increases cognitive and physical performance.

Improve your performance by sitting and standing correctly
The active office chair Aeris Swopper has revolutionized the working world in terms of cognitive and physical performance. Thanks to the patented 3D technology, active sitting and frequent position changes are required and encouraged. Abdominal and back muscles are strengthened and one-sided strain and thus tension are reduced. As studies show, the movement also ensures better blood circulation and oxygen supply to the brain. This means that employees not only perform much better physically, but also mentally.

Just like sitting rigidly, working standing up on hard floors is hard work for the body. Standing for long periods of time makes your legs tired, your feet hurt, and your joints are strained. This affects your well-being and performance. The Aeris Muvmat standing mat counteracts this.

The 3D topographic structure inside the standing mat activates the foot reflex zones, relaxes the muscles and keeps the body moving. This promotes blood circulation and oxygen supply to the brain. This in turn helps to increase concentration and attention.

A study on working on the Aeris Muvmat by the University of Mainz confirms the strong positive effects of the standing mat on mental and physical performance. Based on the results of their study, they recommend using the Aeris Muvmat "in everyday working life to increase cognitive performance, subjective well-being and to promote health". Therapeutic use for gait disorders, poor concentration and disorders of the synchronization of the two halves of the brain is also suggested. You can find more information on this in this blog post .
Artikel Jun 21

3 simple tips on how to quickly find the perfect office chair

If you follow the three simple tips below, you will quickly find the right office chair for you.

Read here
Artikel Mar 23

Sit better, live healthier: Dynamic sitting explained

Why movement while sitting is crucial for your health and how the Aeris Swopper helps you sit actively and prevent back pain.

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Artikel May 21

Aeris Muvmat increases performance

Study confirms: Working while standing on the Aeris Muvmat promotes mental and physical performance.

Read here

Our product recommendation

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