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Artikel Mar 23

4 TOP facts why you shouldn’t miss out on dynamic sitting on the Aeris Swopper

The ergonomic office stool Aeris Swopper enables dynamic sitting with maximum freedom of movement and this has many health benefits.

The fact is: many of us work at a desk and therefore spend most of our day sitting down. Most of us know that we should sit as ergonomically and dynamically as possible. The range of ergonomic office chairs is accordingly large. Unfortunately, however, most chairs allow little to no movement or not the right movement and do more harm than good. Tiredness, headaches, back pain, etc. are the consequences. The list is long.

So keep your eyes open when buying a chair! We'll show you how the ergonomic Aeris Swopper office stool allows you to sit dynamically with maximum freedom of movement and why it's good to lean "far out of the chair".

1. Dynamic sitting through 3D ergonomics

What exactly is dynamic sitting and why is it good?

Dynamic sitting means changing your sitting position or posture as often as possible. However, you should try to keep your upper body straight and not hunch your back. There are no other rules; every change in sitting position means movement and is good for the body.

Since dynamic sitting places different muscle structures, the back muscles and also the abdominal muscles, under different and alternating strain, one-sided strain can be avoided. The movement naturally loads and relieves the strain on the intervertebral discs. This promotes the supply of nutrients to the intervertebral discs, which in turn has a positive effect on the entire spine. Dynamic sitting also increases blood circulation - not just in the body, but also in the brain!

And how exactly does the Aeris Swopper enable dynamic sitting?

The Aeris Swopper has a special 3D technology that consists of a 3D joint and a spring-loaded seat. It enables movement in three dimensions while sitting. This means that you can swing the ergonomic office chair backwards and forwards, to the side and - unique to Aeris - even up and down. The Aeris Swopper office stool therefore offers you maximum freedom of movement with many changes in posture. It follows you and your body and not the other way around, supporting your intuitive movements.

Conventional ergonomic movement technologies, such as synchronous mechanics, smart spring technology or rocking mechanics, allow movement in a maximum of two dimensions. This does allow movement, but unfortunately it is limited, predetermined and with little flexibility. This has little to do with intuitive, natural movement.

The Aeris Swopper office stool enables active, dynamic sitting.

With the Aeris Swopper, however, you have freedom of movement in all directions.

Vertical swinging

Through the effective up and down movement, the so-called vertical swinging or "swopping", as when walking or running, your intervertebral discs are nourished and relieved, keeping them fresh and elastic. This prevents back pain and can relieve it. It also promotes blood circulation and gets your circulation going.

Forward tilt

As soon as you lean forward towards the desk, the entire spring column of the ergonomic office stool moves with you and leans forward. This keeps your back straight and strengthens your back muscles. Another plus point: the intervertebral discs are subjected to stress evenly and not one-sidedly, as is the case when sitting with a rounded back.

Lateral flexibility

The lateral flexibility provided by the joint close to the ground allows you a large range of motion (grip space) and contributes significantly to natural movement behavior and muscle activation.

Another plus point is the convex seat of the Aeris Swopper (wider in the middle and narrower towards the sides of the seat). It ensures that your thighs do not develop pressure points and that the angle between the thigh and lower leg is comfortable. It also gives your pelvis room to move. Chairs without a convex seat often create a seat depression that then fixes the pelvis and significantly restricts mobility. This can lead to one-sided strain and damage to the spine if you sit for a long time.

By sitting upright on the Aeris Swopper, your lungs can expand, your breathing becomes deeper, your body is supplied with more oxygen and this is good for your short and long-term ability to concentrate. Overall, you will feel more alert and fitter after a day on the ergonomic stool - Aeris Swopper.

And since the constant muscle work on the Aeris Swopper also costs energy, you also burn extra calories. Really practical.

Due to its design features, the Aeris Swopper allows for more than double the usual range of movement. From a physiological and therefore health-preventive point of view, the Aeris Swopper is clearly superior to a standard office chair."

Prof. Dr. Dietmar Schmidtbleicher

Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main prepared a report for the Aeris Swopper in 2003

2. Dynamic sitting by dispensing with a backrest
Most ergonomic office chairs on the market are equipped with a backrest. It is usually height-adjustable, the angle can usually also be adjusted and there is also a lumbar support. This part of the backrest can be adjusted to the (S-shaped) curvature of your spine and supports the lower part (lordosis) when you sit. At first glance, this sounds good and very comfortable.

But: Do you really need a backrest to enable healthy, ergonomic, dynamic sitting?

We say clearly: No! You don't need a backrest as an artificial support - quite the opposite. The backrest is counterproductive for muscle activity, causes the back muscles to weaken and hinders free, natural, intuitive mobility.

Sitting on conventional office chairs with backrests is just a habit. You don't need them. After all, you don't need a backrest when you walk.

The Aeris Swopper office stool enables dynamic ergonomic sitting without a backrest.

The Aeris Swopper therefore deliberately does not have a backrest - to allow as much freedom of movement as possible. The muscles are activated - especially the back and leg muscles. More movement stimulates the circulation, the brain is better supplied with blood and more oxygen. This in turn has a positive effect on your ability to concentrate and your well-being.

Tip: You will probably feel the strain and stress on your muscles at the beginning, something like muscle soreness. After a certain amount of time, however, you will feel the training effect. That's why it's best to start with 1-2 hours to get used to the Aeris Swopper. After 4 to 6 weeks, your body should have gotten used to the increased muscle activity and you can easily sit on the office stool all day without getting back pain or tension.

(For all those who cannot or do not want to do without a backrest, the ergonomic office stool is also available with a backrest. The Swopper with backrest in combination with the Low Spring complies with DIN EN 1335 for office chairs (Swopper Work).

The Aeris Swopper office stool enables dynamic sitting in the office and home office.

3. Dynamic sitting by eliminating armrests
Traditional, ergonomic office chairs usually also have armrests. But the same applies here as with the backrest (see point 2). The "armrests as a protective and supportive device" significantly restricts your freedom of movement when sitting and, if incorrectly adjusted, causes an unhealthy posture.

The armrests - which are actually well-intentioned and are intended to help you relax - are actually more of a "health killer". They limit your flexibility - your reach is blocked. The armrests often prevent you from moving directly to the desk and in order to overcome the gap between the chair and the desk surface, you then have to bend over. Armrests also encourage you to lean on them and sit "angled" in the chair. And that means again: no more dynamic sitting.

Another problem with armrests is that you often cannot adjust their height and width, or you use them with the wrong setting. If they are too high, the shoulders are pushed up towards the ears. If they are set too low, the shoulders hang loosely and the weight of the arms puts pressure on the shoulder girdle. This leads to tension in the shoulder and neck area.

The Aeris Swopper office stool enables ergonomically dynamic sitting in the office and home office.

That's why the Aeris Swopper has no armrests at all and offers unrestricted freedom of movement in all directions. Even spontaneous changes in position, such as sitting sideways on the office stool, are possible in this way. You can also use the stool to individually adjust the distance between the seat and the table. Armrests as annoying spacers are a thing of the past.

This will help you avoid typical bad postures such as a "hunched back" and "sitting on the edge". And if you want to support yourself, simply place your forearms on the desk. The desk then functions as an ideally positioned armrest.

By the way: Armrests are also superfluous on the Aeris Swopper as support when sitting down or standing up, as the suspension, i.e. the vertical swinging, serves as an "automatic" cushioning or as a standing up aid. So you stand up with momentum and sit down again with cushioning.

As with the backrests, the main advantage of not having armrests is that you can use all of your complex muscles and (provided you are healthy) you do not have to use armrests as “crutches”.

The Aeris Swopper office stool does not have armrests.

4. Dynamic sitting through individual adjustability
However, all of the above points (1-3) are useless if an ergonomic office chair is not individually adjusted to you. Because no two people are the same. We are all different sizes, weights and mobility levels; one has a long upper body, the other has long legs. One likes to swing more than the other. "One size does not fit one".

The Aeris Swopper office chair therefore offers three individual adjustment options. This means you can adapt it perfectly to your body and your preferred seating comfort.

Thanks to the four different spring leg variants, you can roughly adjust the chair to your height, body weight and table height:
Spring leg Standard (for body weights between 50 and 120 kg), Low (for tables lower than 65 cm), High (for body heights over 185 cm) and Light (for people up to 50 kg and body heights up to 165 cm).

Furthermore, the spring tension, i.e. the vertical swinging up and down, can be individually adjusted to your body weight. You can also adjust the lateral mobility of the work stool to suit your personal preference.

In addition, the individual seat height can be continuously adjusted with one hand. This means you can have the optimal angle between your lower leg and thigh in no time at all.

The Aeris Swopper office stool is individually adjustable and the ideal companion in the office and home office.

And here is an overview of the most important health benefits of dynamic, healthy sitting on the Aeris Swopper:

  • Increased ability to concentrate
  • Increase in general well-being, you feel fitter and more alert
  • Relief of the intervertebral discs and good supply of the intervertebral discs
  • Stretching of tendons and ligaments
  • Better blood circulation and oxygen supply
  • Strengthening muscultur
  • Optimizing posture, avoiding hunched back
  • Stimulating the metabolism
  • Increased calorie consumption

  • Now it's your turn: keep moving and don't give back pain and fatigue a chance. Invest in yourself and your body - with the Aeris Swopper !
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