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Artikel Oct 23

Standards vs. health: Why innovative office chairs beyond the DIN standard are so important

When choosing the right office chair, health should be the priority – not the norm.

What is a DIN standard?

A DIN standard is a standard that has been developed by the German Institute for Standardization (DIN) in Berlin and sets out uniform standards for products and processes, such as quality, minimum performance, properties, dimensions, etc. Interested parties, such as manufacturers, consumers, retailers, research institutes or authorities, can participate in committees that develop DIN standards. There are currently around 33,000 standards worldwide.

German standards have become increasingly internationalized in recent decades. A standard is now called DIN EN if a European standard has been adopted by the German Institute for Standardization. Or DIN EN ISO if it is an international standard that is also a European standard. DIN ISO is therefore an international standard that is valid in Germany; while DIN designates a standard that is exclusively or predominantly of national importance.

Where can I find DIN standards?

In many university libraries in Germany, national and international standards can be viewed via the Perinorm database. Some standards are also published in Germany by Beuth-Verlag in the "DIN-Taschenbuch" series. This brings together DIN standards on various topics. Otherwise, it is possible to purchase the individual standard documents from the standardization institutions or from the associated publishers, for example from Beuth-Verlag or VDE-Verlag.

Man sits on the ergonomic office chair Aeris Swopper and can move freely in all directions The office chair dilemma: health vs. DIN standard

Is there a DIN standard for office chairs?

Yes. DIN EN 1335 is a standard that specifies dimensions, safety requirements and safety tests for office chairs, such as the adjustability of seat height, seat depth and backrest. It is the standard for the development of office chairs in Germany. The standard is based on a template from 1989 (DIN 4551).

The problem is that the DIN standard sets certain standards and dimensions based on average sizes and proportions. However, this can cause problems because people have different body types and needs. Ergonomic office chairs, on the other hand, rely on individual adjustment options to provide optimal support and comfort.

For office chairs, this means that the ergonomic findings and developments of the last 25 years are not taken into account in this standard. Above all, the fact that the number of employees with back problems is constantly increasing due to a rigid sitting posture on conventional work chairs has led to the development of movement technologies for office chairs at precisely this time. Unfortunately, some of these new technologies cannot now be tested according to DIN EN 1335. This means that modern office chairs currently have to be based on outdated standards.

Woman in the office with the height-adjustable desk Active Desk and office chair Aeris Swopper which with backrest and castors complies with the DIN standard for office chairs Modern, innovative office chairs such as the Aeris Swopper currently have to comply with outdated DIN standards.

For example, one of the regulations in DIN EN 1335 states that the lowest seat height of an office chair must be 420 mm. This makes sense for people with short legs or a small stature. However, the average height of employees has increased steadily in recent years. For people with a height of around 170 cm or more, a seat height of 480 mm or more is recommended, if possible in conjunction with a higher desk. This then no longer complies with the DIN regulations, but has great advantages for the back health of employees.

It is good, but not easy to implement, that a company management is not forced to adhere to DIN EN 1335 when selecting work equipment. The standard is only a recommendation or a minimum requirement for the protection of employees.

The health and long-term performance of employees should be the main focus when choosing the right office chair - and not the standard. A responsible employer will therefore not force an employee who gets back pain when sitting on a conventional office chair in accordance with DIN EN 1335, but whose health situation improves when sitting on an office chair that does not comply with DIN, to sit on an office chair that complies with DIN.

Does the Aeris Swopper comply with DIN standards?

Yes and no. The Aeris Swopper in its original form has no backrest and therefore does not comply with DIN EN 1335. Consumers therefore occasionally have to deal with the above facts: current developments are coming into conflict with outdated regulations. Although many employees experience an improvement in their back problems by sitting on the Aeris Swopper, companies that understand the DIN standards as a requirement and not a recommendation only allow them to use the Aeris Swopper in exceptional cases. However, the Aeris Swopper has the GS mark according to EN 1022 and EN 13671 for office visitor chairs and can therefore be used in all workplaces without any concerns.

There are currently no DIN standards for active seats such as the Aeris Swopper. Therefore, there is no official test procedure according to which the Aeris Swopper could be tested according to its specific properties. So far, there is only DIN EN 1335 for conventional office chairs. The state of the art is therefore far ahead of the DIN standards.

With the development of the Aeris Swopper with backrest and castors as well as the Low suspension type and also with the Aeris 3Dee active office chair, both of which are certified as office chairs in accordance with DIN 1335, Aeris has met the needs of all employers, safety engineers and company doctors who would like to provide their employees with the latest moving seat technology, but at the same time want to be in line with the catalogue of standards. In this version, it meets all the requirements of the professional association and the German pension insurance.

Office with the office chairs Aeris Swopper and Aeris Numo Task and the height-adjustable desk Active Desk The Aeris Swopper office stool offers maximum freedom of movement with many changes in posture and the version with castors and backrest complies with DIN EN 1335.

And if you look closely, occupational health and safety law actually requires employers to use office chairs like the Aeris Swopper because they correspond to the latest findings in ergonomic research. This is because Section 3 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act sets out the basic obligations of employers:

" The employer is obliged to take the necessary occupational safety measures taking into account the circumstances that affect the safety and health of employees at work. He must review the measures for their effectiveness and, if necessary, adapt them to changing circumstances. In doing so, he must strive to improve the safety and health protection of employees. "

“Changing circumstances to improve safety and health protection” include new findings and technical developments – for example, also in office chairs. So that employees are not stuck with outdated standards.

And one such technical development that has a health-promoting effect is the unique Aeris 3D technology. During development, Aeris consistently focused on people's needs and not on norms. People want to be able to move freely and intuitively in all directions.

And this is exactly what the Aeris Swopper enables with its 3D technology. The Aeris Swopper office stool offers you maximum freedom of movement with many changes in posture. It follows you and your body and not the other way around, thus supporting your intuitive movements.

Conventional ergonomic movement technologies, such as synchronous mechanics, only allow movement in two dimensions. This allows movement, but unfortunately it is limited, predetermined and with little flexibility.

Numerous studies on the Aeris Swopper summarize the positive effects of the 3D technology developed by Aeris on fitness, health and performance.

Active sitting on the Aeris Swopper has a similar effect on the body as casual walking. The muscles are constantly trained and all organs - including the brain - are better supplied. And all this while you work, without you having to actively do anything. This creates a completely new attitude to life with less tiredness and more energy. And you also burn more calories.
Artikel Jun 21

3 simple tips on how to quickly find the perfect office chair

If you follow the three simple tips below, you will quickly find the right office chair for you.

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Artikel Mar 23

Sit better, live healthier: Dynamic sitting explained

Why movement while sitting is crucial for your health and how the Aeris Swopper helps you sit actively and prevent back pain.

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Artikel Jul 23

The benefits of the Aeris Swopper: A sports doctor on better health while sitting

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