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Artikel Sep 23

Increase concentration: How to improve your focus

Tips and tricks for more concentration – from ergonomic furniture to simple exercises

The ability to concentrate is crucial for productive work. In this article, we show you how you can sustainably increase your concentration with simple exercises, a healthy lifestyle and ergonomic office furniture - for more focus and fewer distractions in everyday life.

What is concentration? A definition

The term concentration is derived from the Latin word concentra (= together towards the center). In psychology, concentration is understood as the deliberate focusing of attention on a topic. This can be a goal or the solution to a task. The better or higher the ability to concentrate, the longer you can concentrate on a goal.

Where does lack of concentration come from?

Many factors influence a person's ability to concentrate. Children's concentration span is often much shorter than that of adults. They react more quickly to distractions and also tire more quickly.

However, adults still often find themselves unable to concentrate. There can be many reasons for this, such as frustration, lack of motivation, multiple tasks/topics at the same time (= overwhelm), stress and tiredness, or psychological problems.

The height-adjustable Aeris Active Desk and the Aeris Numo Task and Aeris Swopper office chairs allow plenty of movement at work and thus increase the ability to concentrate Work pain-free and with greater concentration with ergonomic office furniture such as the Aeris Swopper and Aeris Numo Task office chairs

Can you learn to concentrate?

You can't force concentration, but you can practice improving your attention and extending your attention span. There are a number of simple tricks and exercises that anyone can use.

  • Dividing topics and tasks into small steps allows you to achieve partial success, which is motivating.
  • You shouldn't put yourself under pressure, but also allow yourself to make mistakes.
  • It may help to change the order of tasks and perhaps start with a topic that is easy for you.
  • To keep track of tasks: write them down and tick them off.
  • Take three steps every now and then and let your eyes wander.
  • Drink enough, eat healthily and get enough sleep – the brain needs fluids and energy to function well.

Anyone who has serious concentration problems should consider professional concentration training or learning autogenic training.

Promote concentration in children

Children often have a shorter concentration span than adults. Regular breaks, clear structures and small, manageable tasks help to improve their attention. Exercise in between, sufficient sleep and a balanced diet are also important. Playful concentration exercises such as puzzles or memory games can also be effective in promoting the ability to concentrate in the long term.

External influences on concentration

The easiest way is to exclude or reduce external sources of disturbance as much as possible. This includes a system at the desk, fixed telephone, email or visiting times if possible, soundproofing or, if necessary, different lighting.

Other crucial factors are sufficient breaks, fresh air and, last but not least, ergonomic office furniture. If you have to worry about whether you are sitting correctly and pain-free at your desk or workstation, you cannot concentrate on your actual task.

Woman sitting at the height-adjustable Aeris Active Desk on the Aeris Swopper office chair, which allows for a lot of movement in the office and increases concentration Flexible office chairs such as the Aeris Swopper or Aeris Numo Task allow for plenty of movement and thus improve the ability to concentrate.

Increase concentration with exercise

As part of a study by the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz, the extent to which dynamic sitting on the Aeris Swopper affects the ability to concentrate was investigated.

Thanks to the flexible 3D technology of the Aeris Swopper, the office chair allows twice as much movement as conventional chairs. It follows the user's movements in all directions and thus promotes a natural and active sitting posture.

Active sitting improves blood circulation and thus oxygen supply to such an extent that brain activity and the ability to concentrate are measurably increased in the long term. This can also increase your work productivity .

With the Aeris Swopper and other Aeris active office chairs such as the Aeris Numo Task or Aeris 3Dee, you can not only sit ergonomically and do something good for your back, but at the same time significantly increase your ability to concentrate.

Artikel Mar 23

Sit better, live healthier: Dynamic sitting explained

Why movement while sitting is crucial for your health and how the Aeris Swopper helps you sit actively and prevent back pain.

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Artikel Jan 22

“If you keep moving, you won’t get tired!”

In an interview with the municipality of Haar, Aeris Managing Director Josef Glöckl talks about his vision and the advantages of the Haar location.

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Artikel May 21

Aeris Muvmat increases performance

Study confirms: Working while standing on the Aeris Muvmat promotes mental and physical performance.

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Our product recommendation

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