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Back problems in children

Poor posture in children

Many adults suffer from back problems, which is not uncommon. But children are also increasingly affected. Back problems in children should definitely be taken seriously. A child who complains of back pain is at high risk of suffering permanent damage. The spine in children is still very flexible and development is not yet complete. Poor posture can lead to permanent damage.

Prevent back problems

Poor posture in children is usually caused by the children's room being set up incorrectly. Children have to study more and more for school and therefore spend long periods of time sitting at their desks. Children's chairs, especially children's desk chairs, are rarely ergonomic and therefore not good for children's small backs. Ergonomics for children is an important topic. Children used to move more and play outside with their friends instead of sitting at their desks. Nowadays they spend a lot more time sitting down. When they are not doing their homework, they sit in front of the computer. This is why more children suffer from back problems than was previously the case. Many are also overweight, which makes the problem even worse. When setting up a child's room, it is therefore very important to buy ergonomic children's chairs. Of course, you should try to get the little ones to do sports and not just spend their day sitting down. You should also pay attention to a healthy diet. But if the child still sits a lot, for example because they have to study a lot for school, an ergonomic desk chair is a preventative measure against back problems. The purchase should be worth it for the health of your children.

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