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Where does the word “office” come from?

The word has its origins in French: bureau. This spelling is still rarely found in German today. An office means a business room, workroom or office, but also the group of people who work there. When someone goes to the office, this often means not only the room, but also the company or the building in which this room is located. In some cases, the term office or bureau also refers to the desk of the office staff or the person working at this desk.

In modern German, the English word “office” is now often used instead of Büro.

What office jobs are there?

The most well-known profession in this context is the office clerk, which today is collectively referred to as office management clerk. There are office assistants, office specialists, office assistants, office managers - the range of possible positions extends from word processing and accounting to cost accounting, order processing and human resources. In general, jobs in the areas of marketing, communication, administration, processing and telephone services are considered classic office jobs.

What is the perfect office?

According to estimates by the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, around 20 million employees spend their working hours at an office workplace. The space is designed depending on the tasks that need to be completed. There is no ideal type of office, as the requirements of every company are very different. "Open space offices" are currently in vogue. Single offices or double offices are becoming increasingly rare, especially in start-ups and modern large corporations, even on the executive floor.

Basically, it is important to create the best possible working environment in which those who work there can feel comfortable. Daylight, ergonomic furnishings, a pleasant atmosphere and sufficient space are some of the requirements that employees nowadays place on their employers.

The perfect office furniture

The perfect office furniture does not follow rigid standards, but is designed to be perfectly adapted to the respective user. Every person needs different seat heights and spring strengths and the desk must also be individually adjusted so that the user feels comfortable. An important aspect is that the office furniture "tempts" people to move and that the office environment is bright and friendly. Only those who feel physically and mentally comfortable can achieve top performance in the office.

How an office becomes an Aeris Active Office

Sitting in a rigid sitting position for hours on end puts strain on the spine. Movement in the office is therefore simply necessary and healthy. The Aeris Active Office workplace concept, developed by Aeris founder and managing director Josef Glöckl, aims to enable workers to move in a way that suits them. This means enabling complex, spontaneous, intuitive movements. Recommended options include frequent changes in posture, alternating between sitting and standing, a 3D active office chair such as the Aeris Swopper or Aeris 3Dee or an active standing seat such as the Aeris Muvman, and desks with a sitting-standing function. Today's ergonomic office brings movement into work and increases physical and mental performance.

Willst du deinen Aeris Swopper personalisieren?

Du hast deinen Lieblings-Swopper konfiguriert? Dann kannst du nun mit der Personalisierung beginnen. Und so geht’s: Trage deinen Wunschtext einfach in das Feld ein – Fertig.

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  • Bitte beachte, dass personalisierte Produkte von Umtausch, Stornierung und Rückgabe ausgeschlossen sind.
  • Die Lieferzeit verlängert sich um bis zu 10 Tage.
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