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    Die Angabe der USt-IdNr. ist eine zwingende Voraussetzung um Deinen Kauf in Deutschland als mögliche steuerfreie innergemeinschaftliche Lieferung zu behandeln.

Our path to greater sustainability

When we say that we want to enable our customers to live healthier and happier lives, we are also including the place where these lives take place: Our planet.

01. Longevity thanks to "Hand-Made in Germany"

We are clearly against fast-furniture and a throwaway society. Each of our products is manufactured by hand in Germany. That's why they last an extremely long time. Our customers, who have been sitting and working on their Swopper for over 20 years, can confirm this high quality and endurance. However, if something no longer functions as desired, that's also no problem, as our products can be repaired and individual parts replaced.

02. “120%” climate-neutral Aeris electricity

When we equipped our entire production with solar cells at the turn of the millennium, many people thought we were crazy. Today, we are not only supplying ourselves with solar power, but also many other households. We have also started to convert our vehicle fleet to e-mobility.

Josef Glöckl (CEO & founder of Aeris) "Aeris is a family business and we feel connected to each of our customers. We believe in our "Made in Germany" concept and are proud to have many patents for our in-house developments. We actually develop the technologies and all the components for our products ourselves. This may not necessarily increase the material profit of the company, but it maximises the satisfaction and health of the users of our products. And that's our goal."

03. Recyclable materials

We use almost exclusively recyclable materials that have been awarded with environmental and health protection certificates.We constantly scrutinise standard logistical challenges such as packaging, shipping and recycling systems and react accordingly. For the sake of the environment and our planet.

Discover our products

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  • Bitte beachte, dass personalisierte Produkte von Umtausch, Stornierung und Rückgabe ausgeschlossen sind.
  • Die Lieferzeit verlängert sich um bis zu 10 Tage.
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