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Quality seal for 3D ergonomics

Quality seal for the idea, development and implementation of the concept of “3D ergonomics”

In recognition of the development of particularly moving products, projects or concepts, Aeris GmbH receives the quality seal "tested and recommended - particularly moving" from the Federal Association for Posture and Movement Promotion e. V. for the idea, development and implementation of the concept of "3D ergonomics".

Report on the concept of “3D ergonomics”

In 1997, Aeris presented the concept of 3D ergonomics for the first time in the Aeris Swopper active seat. The unique technology and function (spring-loaded, vertical swinging, 360° mobility, lateral flexibility and forward tilt towards the work surface) allows free-flowing movements adapted to body weight and individual needs at a self-determined level of activity. This allows the person sitting to experience physiologically intuitive, self-organized sitting behavior requirements in all spatial dimensions. This unique seating concept is consistently implemented in the company's other moving products, the Aeris Swoppster children's chair, the Aeris Muvman standing aid or the 3Dee Active Office Chair. With its concept of 3D ergonomics, Aeris GmbH has sustainably defined the qualitative understanding of "dynamic sitting". In keeping with the motto: "Only those who move can make a difference".

The quality of movement is what matters

The dynamic sitting behaviors that come into play in the course of “3D ergonomics” go beyond the inflated recommendations for dynamic or dynamic sitting, such as those promoted for synchronous mechanics or the recommendations for regular changes of sitting position. These recommendations are based on a linear basic understanding with a small variety of spontaneous seating variations in the spatial dimensions.

Complex and therefore physiological sitting behaviors cannot be recommended or taught. They must be able to organize themselves spontaneously and intuitively on the basis of physical, mental or emotional needs in the form of micro and macro movements. The pivotal point here is a free-flowing three-dimensional seat mobility that is detached from the synchronous mechanism in order to promote a complex interaction of the legs, pelvis, spine, shoulder and head segments.

This will:

  • which supports physiological posture changes ,
  • the intervertebral discs are permanently supplied with nutrients,
  • stimulates the complex back muscles,
  • which keeps over 100 joints in the spine moving,
  • the internal organs are dynamically activated,
  • optimizes blood circulation and thus oxygen supply,
  • maintain brain metabolic processes and thus attention and concentration .

Willst du deinen Aeris Swopper personalisieren?

Du hast deinen Lieblings-Swopper konfiguriert? Dann kannst du nun mit der Personalisierung beginnen. Und so geht’s: Trage deinen Wunschtext einfach in das Feld ein – Fertig.

( max. 20 Zeichen )

  • Bitte beachte, dass personalisierte Produkte von Umtausch, Stornierung und Rückgabe ausgeschlossen sind.
  • Die Lieferzeit verlängert sich um bis zu 10 Tage.
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