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Quality of movement

Does movement have quality?

Exercise is always good, any form of exercise is better than sitting still and not exercising, especially in the area of ​​prevention and health promotion. But what exactly determines the quality of a measure to promote health and exercise? The feeling in this regard can be quite subjective, but it is clear that both the quantity and quality of physical activity builds and trains muscles, strengthens bones, joints, cardiovascular system and the immune system and, last but not least, helps to achieve or maintain a healthy body weight.

What does the Federal Ministry have to do with movement?

The Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture, together with the Federal Ministry of Health, supports the "IN FORM" initiative for healthy eating and more exercise. The focus is on exercise among children and young people, older people, in the family and at work. It is a fact that a lack of exercise - whether in leisure time, at school or at work - increases the risk of illnesses and complaints: cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and lipid metabolism disorders and, last but not least, orthopedic diseases.

How can the quality of physical activity in the workplace be improved?

When it comes to health prevention, workplace health promotion plays a major role. Lack of exercise, often due to predominantly sedentary work at a desk, and heavy physical work can lead to back problems. The exercise program at the workplace therefore has two goals: ergonomic workplace design and correct or healthy and therefore high-quality exercise in everyday working life.

There is no doubt that targeted muscle training can prevent the damage that results from strenuous physical work. But what about desk workers? IN FORM recommends ergonomic workplace design, which can help prevent health-damaging forced postures, but without being specific.

Thinking about it logically, the entire office infrastructure must be questioned. Offices are designed primarily to prevent movement, to accommodate as many people as possible in as small a space as possible, work can only be done sitting down, and everything is within easy reach. The Aeris Active Office® workplace concept is taking a completely new approach and is the only product on the market that offers a true fusion of work and movement. This is made possible by two work surfaces instead of one, active sit-stand furniture, smart technology and a unique workplace philosophy. This turns the workplace into a space for movement - a revolution in office workplaces!

Sitting and working correctly can get things moving

With the Aeris active chairs such as the 3Dee or the Swopper, you can bring movement into your professional and private everyday life. The innovative Aeris 3Dee office swivel chair impresses with its patented 3D technology, which enables natural, intuitive three-dimensional movement. The chair has an ergonomically shaped backrest for a relaxed hold without restricting mobility. Sitting on the Aeris Swopper is even more mobile - without a backrest! Three-dimensional mobility is also available here. On top of that, the person sitting has to constantly balance and keep their equilibrium, similar to walking or standing. This is because the pivot point of the chair is in a rubber joint at the base of the spring leg. The constant movement, the "swopping", strengthens the back and abdominal muscles. Mobility is increased overall, including sideways and forwards, which increases the grip area and ensures an optimal posture in relation to the work surface.

With the workplace concept, Aeris not only changes the way we sit, but revolutionizes the entire working day. Movement becomes a core element of working in the office. The body thanks us with better well-being, alertness and greater cognitive performance.

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