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Flex zone

What is a flex zone?

The flex zone is a zone on a chair or office chair that has a certain degree of flexibility and therefore not only allows for comfortable sitting, but also active sitting. Some of the Aeris seating furniture has this flex zone or the so-called and patented flexzone technology. These are specially developed, flexible seat panels with multi-zone foam that adapt to the individual body. This helps prevent pressure points and poor posture.

Does every chair have a flex zone?

No, not every chair has a flex zone. This is a technology developed and used by Aeris specifically for the ergonomic office chair Aeris 3Dee and the ergonomic active standing chair Aeris Muvman.

What does healthy sitting mean?

Sitting healthily or sitting healthier is usually sitting in motion. Humans are born to move. Even when sitting, they tend to move in all directions, lean forwards or backwards and, if possible, rock back and forth on their chair. Constantly changing postures is completely intuitive. However, most conventional office chairs do not allow these intuitive movements and changing sitting positions. The consequences are often back pain and even permanent damage to the spine and painful herniated discs.

Now it is not just the flex zone that enables active sitting. The Swopper from Aeris, for example, does not have the flex zone technology, but thanks to its patented 3D ergonomics it adapts to the sitter with every movement and follows their movements to the side, forwards, backwards and even vertically. In the Aeris Swopper, the spring-loaded 3D technology is responsible for this.

The 3Dee from Aeris also offers a curved backrest. Not only can the backrest pressure be adjusted, but the lumbar support is also individually adjustable and can be adapted to any back shape.

Sitting healthily even when standing with Flexzone

Many people work standing up, for example in the laboratory, in manufacturing jobs or at reception. There are active standing seats to relieve the strain on the back, legs and feet from standing for long periods. The active standing seat Muvman from Aeris has such consistent ergonomics that it can counteract health problems. It is also characterized by the flexible seat technology and seat upholstery (flexzone technology), which gives way to body pressure. Blood circulation is free and, on top of that, a pleasant seating climate is guaranteed.

But it is not just the flex zone, but in the case of the Aeris Muvman also the patented muvzone that ensures health-promoting mobility. This is a movement joint in the foot plate of the standing chair. This automatically adapts to the user's movement when changing posture, which provides great freedom of movement.

Willst du deinen Aeris Swopper personalisieren?

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