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Ligaments and tendons

What are ligaments and tendons?

Ligaments and tendons enable us to hold and move our bodies. Together with the bones, muscles and joints, they form the human musculoskeletal system. Sitting, squatting, lying or stretching - without ligaments and tendons we would not be able to move.

What is the difference between ligaments and tendons?

To ensure that joints can move smoothly and do not rub against each other, the joint bones are protected by a layer of cartilage. Long-term excessive strain, for example due to excess weight, sporting activities or misalignment, can cause the cartilage to wear out. The cartilage layer therefore becomes thinner and thinner until it almost completely dissolves. This means that the ends of the bones meet unprotected, which can cause considerable pain. The bone structure in the joint area changes. Movement is then only possible when it is painful. In some cases, the wear and deformation can even lead to stiffness of the joints.

Osteoarthritis often creeps in without the sufferer being aware of it. The degenerative processes in the joints do not always lead to pain immediately. The first symptoms can be, for example, difficulty getting up or uncomfortable sitting.

How do tendons work?

Tendons consist of collagenous connective tissue fibers that run next to each other and are firmly connected to one another and are bundled together - similar to a rope. Contrary to popular belief, however, they are not rigid, but rather their tissue structure can be stretched by ten to 15 percent. When not under load, they are slightly wavy and, like a kind of spring, ensure that the force is transmitted to the bones.

In order to transfer muscle power to our inherently rigid skeleton and set it in motion, tendons are fused to the muscle fibers on one side and attached to the bones on the other. In some places - such as our wrists - they run at an angle over bony protrusions and are subject to high tension. In order to reduce strong friction between the tendon and the bone during movement, they are protected by tendon sheaths, the fluid in which acts like a lubricating oil.

When we move, the muscles contract first. This tension is passed on to the tendons, which – like the strings of a marionette – transmit the movement to the bones. As a result, we can, for example, lift our leg or clench our hand into a fist.

How do tapes work?

While the tendons transmit force and make us mobile in the first place, the ligaments have the job of stabilizing and supporting our joints. Ligaments are connective tissue connections between two bones and are essentially made of collagen. In general, they are not very elastic, which is why they can quickly be overstretched and then become flabby or even tear completely. But they have to be relatively inflexible because: Ligaments stabilize our joints from the inside and outside and limit their mobility to a functionally sensible level. In this way, they protect against overstretching of muscles and tendons.

What symptoms can occur

Ligament injuries can occur both during sport and in everyday life and are primarily caused by rapid (twisting) movements. If ligaments are stretched beyond their natural extent, for example if you twist your ankle, they can become damaged. Typical sports injuries include sprained or torn ligaments. If left untreated, a ligament injury can have serious consequences: the joints can remain unstable for a long time and further injuries or damage can occur.

Injuries to the tendons are often identical to a tendon tear. You may cut yourself on a knife or a sharp piece of glass and accidentally cut the tendon. Often, however, the tendon is suddenly and excessively stretched, causing it to tear. This so-called tendon rupture can happen in ball sports, for example. If the tendon is completely torn, the connection between the muscle and the bone is destroyed and movement is impaired - an operation is then often unavoidable.

Tendonitis, on the other hand, is less drastic. If a tendon is subjected to one-sided or excessive strain over a long period of time, it can become painfully inflamed. The origin or insertion points of tendons are often affected and cause pain with every movement. Tendonitis of the wrist is a typical “office illness”.

Sedentary activities combined with a lack of exercise or one-sided strain or overload often lead to weak points that are often underestimated over a long period of time. One possible consequence: overstretched ligaments and shortened tendons can often cause back pain in addition to tense muscles.

What can you do in everyday life to benefit your tendons and ligaments?

In addition to regular exercise, you can also do a lot for your body and therefore also for your ligaments and tendons in your everyday office life. Avoiding poor posture or varying your sitting position helps to strengthen the muscles, stabilize the joints and thus relieve the strain on the ligaments. Training your balance and coordination is also recommended in order to improve the interaction between muscles and movement.

Aeris' active seating encourages and promotes intuitive, natural movement. Aeris Swopper and Aeris 3Dee, for example, are three-dimensionally mobile and adapt to the body's natural movements at all times. Active, dynamic sitting keeps the joints constantly moving. This tightens ligaments and tendons, prevents joint wear and tear, and you automatically do something for your health.

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