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Pleasant atmosphere in the office through ergonomics

An impersonal office design

Most offices are simply furnished and have an icy cold atmosphere. This does not necessarily increase productivity and motivation among employees.

Work is still associated with pressure and coercion, which is why many bosses refuse to make their employees' offices nice and comfortable. They think a dull, impersonal office is appropriate for their employees - after all, they are supposed to work and nothing more. Office chairs are often very uncomfortable and lead to back pain and tension. Executive chairs, on the other hand, are usually unbeatable in terms of comfort. In doing so, bosses forget an important aspect of ergonomics, which states that only a satisfied employee can perform to their full potential. And an employee is only satisfied when he or she works in a pleasant atmosphere and feels comfortable. This definitely does not include uncomfortable office chairs that cause permanent back pain.

Pleasant working atmosphere thanks to ergonomic furnishings

However, if an office is ergonomically designed, for example with Aeris office chairs and a few plants to lighten the atmosphere, the employees' motivation is much higher. They can work comfortably and without pain and stay longer because they enjoy being at their workplace.

Ergonomics in the workplace doesn't just mean that the work equipment is optimally adapted to the user. It also means that the employee feels comfortable. People who enjoy going to work also work better, that goes without saying. They also get sick less often and can therefore achieve more.

It is very easy to design an ergonomic office. There are height-adjustable desks that allow you to alternate between sitting and standing. There are ergonomic office chairs that largely eliminate back pain. You can create a pleasant atmosphere with a few pictures and plants. These are small investments, but they are definitely worth it.

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